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NCID > For Patients and Visitors > Admission > Visiting a patient

Visiting a patient

Visiting a patient

Notice on Updated Visitor Policy

We have made the following updates to our Visiting Policy from 1 September 2022.

  • Isolation ward: No visitors are allowed to visit except cases where
    • Patients are critically ill
    • There is caregiver training
  • Non-isolation ward: 2 visitors at a time (no children below 12 years old)
    • Visitors are to follow visiting hours between 12pm-2pm and 5pm-8pm
    • Visitors are encouraged to do ART before visiting the hospital 

When in our Wards, please observe the following:


  • Wear your mask properly and at all times
  • Wash / sanitise hands regularly
  • Maintain a safe distance of at least 1 metre


  • Sit on patient's bed or use patient toilets
  • Interact with other patients and visitors
  • Eat and drink

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